Serve Strong: Upper Cumberland Pickleball Tournament
Sponsorship Proposal Application
Hosted by:

Serve Strong: Corban Scott Goad Memorial Foundation

Event Overview: The Serve Strong: Upper Cumberland Pickleball Tournament is an exciting event bringing together pickleball players of all levels, families, and the community members for an awesome day of pickleball while also raising funds to support and fill in the gaps for first responders. This event offers businesses a unique opportunity for sponsorship for a cause that is special and unique to Upper Cumberland Communities.

Serve Strong: Community Champion Sponsor - $2,000 (Exclusive)
• Business name and logo prominently displayed on tournament t-shirts.
• Featured placement in all event advertisements, including any banners at the tournament venue.
• Recognition in all social media or other promotions.
• Verbal acknowledgment throughout the event.
• Signage with your logo at a designated court

Gold Sponsor - $1,500
• Business logo included on t-shirts (smaller than Primary Sponsor).
• Recognition in event advertisements and social media promotions.
• Acknowledgment during the event.
• Signage with your logo at a designated court

Silver Sponsor - $1,000
• Business name listed on t-shirts.
• Recognition on social media.
• Business name mentioned during the event.
• Signage with your logo at a designated court

Bronze Sponsor - $500
• Business name listed on t-shirts.
• Recognition on social media.

Custom Sponsorship

• If you’d like to donate any other amount, we’ll be sure you and/or your organization are recognized for your generosity.  

Sponsorship advertisement is tax-deductible as we are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Payment Information:

Checks can be made Online (above) or Check-by-Mail payable to: Serve Strong: Corban Scott Goad Memorial Foundation: 

198 Phillips Dr. Crossville, TN 38555

Other Inquiries: servestrong.info@gmail.com

Thank you for your support toward making this event a success and for helping us serve those who serve us! If you’ve chosen to sponsor the tournament, we’ll be in touch regarding a high resolution logo etc.